GP appointments are currently extremely high in demand at the moment. We kindly ask you to only book clinician appointments where absolutely necessary.
If you need advice for a minor or mild illness, in the first instance please either contact your local pharmacy for help or look at the self care advice that is available online from the NHS at
For routine medication queries or administrative queries please speak to our reception team.
How To Book An Appointment via Telephone
You can make an appointment by either telephoning the surgery on 01924 822273 to speak to one of our trained care navigators or by calling in to the surgery during opening hours. The care navigator will ask for a brief description of your medical problem – you do not have to give this information however this will ensure you are booked in with the most appropriate clinician.
If your problem is urgent please tell the care navigator and you will be given the earliest appointment available but please be considerate to others as each GP has a number of appointments reserved for on the day booking. These are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please remember each appointment is for 10 minutes only and are intended for one person and one issue only. If other members of the family need to be seen, or more than one issue needs to be discussed, you will need to make a separate appointment.
Our clinicians do endeavour to keep to the appointed times. However, please appreciate that sometimes clinicians are called to an emergency or need to spend more with one particular patient, causing them to run late. If you are concerned please ask a member of staff to check how the clinician is doing.
How To Book An Appointment Online
You can now use the internet to make an appointment with the GP via Online Services or the NHS App.
Both Online Services and the NHS App are a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
For more information on how to register for an online account, please click on the button below
Please remember each appointment is for 10 minutes only and are intended for one person and one issue only. If other members of the family need to be seen, or more than one issue needs to be discussed, you will need to make a separate appointment.
PATCHS is an online service which allows you to contact the practice during opening hours. Messages are checked every working day by our team and we endeavour to respond within 20 working hours, if not sooner.
PATCHS has been designed by GPs to make it easier for you to contact the practice and save you time.
Just answer a few simple questions and PATCHS gets you the help you need quickly.
You can use PATCHS to contact your us for health advice, condition monitoring, appointment bookings, and more…
PATCHS provides lots of benefits including being able to make requests in your own time, avoid telephone queues and waiting rooms, and getting quick responses. PATCHS also helps patients who struggle to contact their GP practice using the telephone or in-person. This includes patients who have hearing or speaking impairments, anxiety, and who speak English as a second language.
To contact us via this service, please follow the below link:
Home Visits
Home visits are done at the Doctor’s discretion for patients who are physically unable to come to the surgery. Lack of transport is not a valid reason to request a home visit.
To request a home visit please call the surgery between 08.00am – 11.00am. Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and be prepared to provide suitable details to enable the doctor to schedule the visits.
Punctuality / Cancellations
Please let us know if you are unable to keep an appointment, as this time can then be used for someone else. Please be prompt when attending appointments. Patients more than five minutes late for an appointment may not be seen and will be asked to rebook.
Extended Access Service – Evenings & Weekends
We know it can be difficult for some people to get to our practice during the week and we have a range of appointments available with experienced, trained professionals in the evenings and at weekends including:
- GP: face to face and telephone appointments (Sat /Sun)
- Nurse: providing face to face appointments e.g. for long term condition reviews, smears (Sat /Sun)
- Healthcare Assistant: providing face to face appointments e.g. bloods, health checks (Sat /Sun)
- Long-acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) clinics (Sun)
- Pharmacist: providing telephone appointments e.g. medication reviews
- Physiotherapist (first contact) (Mon-Fri)
- Healthy Minds (support with anxiety, low mood etc) (Mon-Fri)
Our face to face appointments are based at New Cross Surgery, Rothwell Health Centre, Stone Brig Lane, Rothwell, Leeds LS26 0UE.
If an extended access service appointment is more convenient for you, please let us know when booking your appointment.
If you need to make a GP, Nurse or Health Care Assistant appointment at the weekend, please dial 0113 2014570 during 8am – 2pm Saturday & 8am – 12pm Sunday.